Sports and Leisure Industry

AG Group

Ag Derco's Fitage Treadmill Belts

AG Derco’s FITAGE range of advanced maintenance-free belts need no lubrication and run free of any wax-related build-ups on decks or pulleys; helping OEM’s in developing treadmills running with low and constant energy consumption. Specially developed exclusively designed whisper weave fabric ensures low noise level and excellent tracking. Made of polyester and polyester-cotton mix in 1 & 2-ply special fabric construction provide low stretch during operation and also lateral stability which guarantees that our belts stay in shape and in place on treadmills.

Energy efficient belts with heat resistant fabric Less energy consumption
Need no lubrication; maintenance free belts Economical operations, extended working hours
Stable belt construction & low stretch on machine Belts stay in shape without any adjustments
Silent running, excellent tracking with good grip Smooth operations and long service life
Excellent anti-static properties Operational safety, dissipate any static charge

Measurement & Description of Product: Treadmill belts come in varied sizes depending on the model of the treadmill and its specifications. If you are looking for a replacement treadmill belt contact us. You have to share the dimensional details viz. Length*Width*Thickness so that we can fabricate a customized belt suitable to fit on your machine.

Measuring the treadmill belt – still on the machine: Most treadmill belts can be pushed around whilst on the treadmill. Put a clear mark in the middle of the belt at the end you stand on. Measure 800mm or so and make another mark. Push the belt around and make another mark 800mm or so away. Keep on doing this around the belt and measure the final gap between the marks. Add them up and you have measured the outside length of the belt. The belt is under tension whilst on the treadmill. This allows it to drive and track properly. Measuring the treadmill belt – Off the machine: After removing the belt, if time permits, leave it for 10-12 hours to relax before measuring length, width, and thickness. It has been under tension for some time and will have stretched. Once off the machine it tries to revert to its original length, but never quite makes it. Ideally a new belt when fitted will use one third of the total adjustment available. If there is 90mm total adjustment then a new belt will end up using 30mm. This allows enough extra length for the belt to be fitted easily, plus the tensioning, plus extra for clearance.